Monday, June 6, 2011

3 Educational Learn Spanish DVDs Reviews | Info Daily

I love the Spanish language. But then again, I love all languages. It takes me about two years to be able to confidently converse in a new language. I not only find joy in being able to communicate in a new language, I take a lot of pleasure in the learning process because I not only learn a new language, I learn a new culture and make new friends as well.

A great way to start learning a new language is from learn Spanish DVDs. Here are reviews of 3 learning Spanish films which I have recently viewed.

?tienne ? Los V?deos Espa?oles
Everyone knows sing-a-long learn Spanish videos work well with kids and not surprisingly, it works well with adults too. ?tienne ? Los V?deos Espa?oles is a collection of 10 music videos to get both kids and adults tapping their feet while learning Spanish grammar.

?tienne is the stage name of Steven Langlois ? a teacher and multi-award winning performer. He has performed in his home country ? Canada, as well as the US and even Australia. He uses popular music to teach children languages and has written material for several widely-used international school programs.

From the video, you can easily tell why ?tienne is popular. His videos are upbeat and infectious, making learning a new language a joy rather than a chore.

Abejas en la Casa
Another way to learn Spanish is through humor. And this DVD is filled with laughs. Abejas en la Casa or Bees in the House makes learning simple Spanish vocabulary fun for the whole family.

The objectives of this video is to familiarize students with the sound or intonation of Spanish words. Secondly, the makers of this video hope to teach common words which are used to describe items that are found both inside and outside the house. Lastly, this video aims to get students to practice what they have learned as much as possible.

Comerciales Mexicanos
The Comerciales Mexicanos DVD is unlike any other learning Spanish DVDs in that it also gives students an idea of Spanish culture and the context in which common phrases are used. Students will not only recognize the words but also learn to comprehend the actual message being relayed.

This is an ingenious method to teach language comprehension. Because commercials are usually short and well crafted, lessons are easy to digest. This format will appeal more to adults and teens than to younger children.

Amelia Warmheart is an avid traveler but a lousy cook. When not traveling of recovering from jet lag, she shares tips on where to get gifts that range from something as simple as learn Spanish DVDs to something more specific like a Spanish DVDs for children

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