Sunday, April 1, 2012

prospects lying about getting rid of pets? - Landlord Forum thread

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prospects lying about getting rid of pets? by jp (CA) on March 31, 2012 @04:57
I'm new to the LL game and while screening for my first ever tenant for a SFH I've come across this situation twice now and was wondering if it's a common ploy or what...

I clearly post in caps in my ads 'NO PETS' but about 75% of people who contact me admit to having a pet anyway - and typically a large-breed dog. Today, for the second time, when I said 'sorry, this is a NO PET house - you saw that in the ad, right?' the prospect suggested that they would give the dog away 'probably to family members'.

I called BS on this one since I had heard it before already and said that there's no way they would get rid of their dog (and they have two kids who I'm sure would protest) but would in fact try to move it in after they get the keys. These people swore up and down that they really need a place and most places don't take pets so 'as bad as it sounds' they would get rid of the dog if they had too.

I may be new at this but my BS meter goes off pretty easily and I know they are lying - just curious from those in the game for awhile how often you hear this type of story (for those that disallow pets). As much as I'd like to fill my vacancy, I really don't want dogs in my house and my understanding is that short of non-paymnet of rent my ability to evict over breaking of this rule is close to zero in CA so I'm trying to filter the dog owners and liars as much as possible before they even see the house. Unfortunately if you remove dog owners and liars from the prospect pool you are left with zero prospects from what I'm seeing.


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Re: prospects lying about getting rid of pets? by Kelly (Texas) on March 31, 2012 @08:27 [ Reply ]
If they would get rid of a pet - also known as family member - why would you want that kind of a person as a tenant? They've told you all you need to know.

It is sad that there are not more 'pet-friendly' landlords, however. Seems like you could meet a person and a pet and make a quick determination about them. Indomitable all the time in rescue.

Thank goodness for that BS meter/detector!

Re: prospects lying about getting rid of pets? by Katiekate (New York) on March 31, 2012 @09:04 [ Reply ]
Try appealing to a different group of prospects.

Are you close enough to a campus to pick up the incoming freshman class? Now is the time to advertise on the off-campus housing network. Also..advertise at the student union.

If you lower your rent a bit and put the NO PETS in bold letters in your ad. You might pick up more because of the lower rent..and eliminate the pets owners in the process.

I do not rent to anyone with pets. ever. I rent to college kids now..and they come without pets. (their life style is too self-centered to be bothered with pet).

Try to find a new market.

Re: prospects lying about getting rid of pets? by Greg on March 31, 2012 @09:45 [ Reply ]
Your BS meter is dead on. Listen to it.

I had a really good tenant that paid 10 days early every time. While I was doing a drive by check of my rentals her mother came out of the house with a small dog. When I talked to the tenant later she told me that her mother was just visiting with the dog.

I handed her a 10 day notice to cure or quit. She had been told the no pet policy prior to move in (I repeated it twice).

I don't take pets period. No pet ever improved the value of my homes. But, the reverse is true.

Favorite tenant quote "Oh, my pets don't make a mess."

Greg in Phoenix

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