Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oh No They Didn't! - Lady Gaga news roundup

Lady Gaga?s Littlemonsters.com: Why It Works and What It Means for Social Media

On July 10, Lady Gaga?s social networking site, Littlemonsters.com, opened to the public. The site first launched five months ago in February with limited membership, but now every single Little Monster in the world has an outlet through which they can put their paws up and bow down before the Mother Monster altar. (Don?t hate?they were born this way!!)

I?m a fan of Lady Gaga, though I really don?t feel the need to join a social media site in order to peruse and profess my love for Gaga memes like this one:

But, I felt that I had to join Littlemonsters.com in order to be able to accurately write on it, so yesterday I became an official Little Monster. Here is what the front page of the site looks like:

It features the waterfall layout, so it looks very much like Pinterest at first glance. After some investigating, I found that Littlemonsters.com is kind of a hodgepodge of existing social media sites. There?s the Pinterest layout, Facebook-esque ?like? buttons, and a Reddit-like news page. There are some images and topics devoted to artists besides Gaga (I saw a picture of Adele and Lana Del Ray on the front page today), but this site is Gaga central. Yes, this seems obvious, but until you have perused the site, I don?t think you can truly comprehend the obsession these Little Monsters have for Mother Monster. There are pictures of Gaga (the majority of which are definitely PG-13), memes, photos of fans with Gaga, a list of fan-generated discussions under the ?Discuss? tab, and an online chat. People can even purchase tickets to the Born This Way Balls through the site.

I think it?s very easy to dismiss this site as a digital meeting place where infatuated, crazed fans meet to gush over Gaga and discuss trifling, insubstantial topics (like whether Gaga is in fact better than Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj). It was termed a ?socially awkward social network? by Fast Company. But, the fact that this site is even in existence is a testament to Lady Gaga?s social media clout.

Lady Gaga is the most followed person on Twitter (over 27 million at last count). Her Twitter following is actually larger than the population of Australia and New Zealand combined. With such a massive legion of fans, a Gaga social network makes complete sense. And Littlemonsters.com is currently flourishing as far as fan participation and engagement. People are posting pictures, starting conversations, and talking to each other. Gaga herself is on the site, under the name Mother Monster, interacting with fans.

Littlemonsters.com piqued my curiosity. How did this site come into existence, and more importantly can it sustain its current level of engagement? Also, what it does reveal about the way we as social media users interact with our favorite celebrities? Put your paws up; I?m about to dive in to terra Gaga.

The Backplane Backstory
The protagonist in Gaga?s social story is Troy Carter, Lady Gaga?s business manager. Carter and three prominent individuals (a kind of triumvirate of business/tech savvy businessmen) founded Backplane, which powers Littlemonsters.com. The co-founders include former Google designer Joey Primiani; former director of operations for Palantir Technologies (one of the most tech-heavy companies in Silicon Valley) Alex Moore; and Matt Michelsen, a former U.S. hedge-fund manager who started making his rounds in Hollywood when Fiddy Cent (aka 50 Cent) himself called Michelsen?s wife wanting to invest in her company.

According to the website, Backplane ?is creating a new type of social corridor? and thereby filling ?a gap in the current social spectrum by empowering sharing and conversation that is effortless but not automatic.?

The New York Times published a profile on Carter last June, which included some interesting information about Backplane. The company raised more than $1 million from a group of investors led by Tomorrow Ventures, the investment firm of Google?s chairman, Eric E. Schmidt. Lady Gaga serves as an ?informal consultant,? and has a 20% stake in the company.

Wired UK magazine featured an article that revealed the incredible amount of creativity and innovation behind the Backplane-powered Littlemonsters.com. The site started with a phone call: after Lady Gaga saw an advanced screening of The Social Network, she called Carter and suggested they create a social network for her fans. Carter told Wired that the site is for the ?die-hard die-hard.? There are numerous sites devoted to Lady Gaga, so before the dawn of this new social network, fans had to access multiple channels to get the latest Gaga news, photos, and tour information. Now, they have access to a single platform (or ?hub? as Carter puts it) that provides them with content that is all Gaga, all the time. Not only that, this Mother Monster digital nucleus is by definition social, so it enables Little Monsters across the globe to gather together for daily Gaga worship. And from my two days on the site, it?s obvious that these petite Monsters feed off each other (in a good way) in a kind of alternate Gaga universe populated by the most loquacious and devoted aficionados.

Appearance vs. Reality
Littlemonsters.com looks like it?s all about Gaga, and on the surface it is. It looks like solely an expressive and creative outlet for fans, but in reality, it?s much more than that. It?s greater than Gaga.

Wired said this about Carter:
?For several years, Carter has been plotting a digital disruption of the music business and, by extension, the whole entertainment industry.?

Littlemonsters.com is one small but significant step in that digital disruption, the initial strike in the Carter-fueled blitzkrieg on the music industry as we know it. Carter told Wired that Gaga still has a deal with Universal Records, ?but there will come a time when she?ll release music through her own site. It?s not just going to be about sells. It?s going to be about the streams coming through the site. For us, it?s important to be able to identify who?s listening to what. We want to own that data. We have to own that data.?

Carter says that record and iTunes sales don?t give any information as far as listener demographics. If Gaga releases a song on Littlemonsters.com, she and Carter will be able to see just who exactly listens to that song: is it a tween girl who loves anything Gaga puts out? Is it a twenty-something guy with a weakness for tech-infused dance anthems? Having access to this information will strengthen the connection between Carter and Gaga?s fans. This can change the idea of record sales: currently, when someone purchases a hit single, there?s anonymity to the sale. Music execs don?t know whether the person who bought that single is old or young, male or female. But if Gaga releases a song through Littlemonsters.com, Carter (and Gaga) can gain a better understanding of fans. It seems to me like in the music industry, getting a record deal is the ultimate sign that an artist has ?made it.? Sure, people like Justin Bieber and Colbie Caillat can release music through a digital medium and acquire fans in that way, but they still want a record label. And yet, if artists of Gaga?s magnitude will one day ultimately forego a record label for a social media site, then the music industry as it?s traditionally known will be transformed.

And it all starts with a monster and a dream. According to Wired, Carter is talking with actors, studios, and sports teams, so these people can manage their Facebook fans and Twitter followers from a single platform. Currently, there is only one such hub; a star-specific social network is somewhat unconventional at the moment (and it fits that Gaga, who seems more aptly associated with the avant-garde than the conventional, is the sun around whom this social-networking earth revolves around), but in the future, it might be the norm.

Sustaining That Social Success
The aims of Carter, Backplane, and Littlemonsters.com seem very ambitious, but if anyone can help usher in a new era of celebrity-fan interaction, it?s a pop singer who can generate over 27,000 Facebook comments when she posts a picture of herself without makeup. Her new social network has been public for just over a week, and fan participation is more powerful than the bass on ?Just Dance? at a NYC nightclub. If Backplane is truly going to shake up the digital world, then Littlemonsters.com needs to maintain this.

In order to answer this question, I thought it would be most useful to look backwards and find examples of Lady Gaga?s social media sway, because I think these would be the best indicators and predictors of her future social-networking success. Friedrich von Schlegel said ?a historian is a prophet in reverse,? and while Schlegel is most definitely not Gaga-esque (he actually opposed political and religious freedom), I think his quote is extremely applicable when I?m trying to act as a social media soothsayer. If Gaga has a proven track record of effective social media calls to action, then it would seem to me that all signs point to success.

Case Study in Mother Monster Mastery
The sheer number of Lady Gaga?s fans and followers indicates that she has an unprecedented level of reach and influence. Spin.com points out that her ?insanely large? Twitter following equals about 5.2% of Facebook?s entire user base. (!!!) An infographic by Laughlin Constable shows that one out of six people on Twitter follow her. And, her followers could fill the state of Texas. These numbers are impressive, but not as impressive as Gaga?s ability to mobilize her army of monsters.

South by Southwest (SXSW) actually conducted a panel this year entitled ?Celebrity and Causes? that focused on the best way for stars to use their ?celebrity megaphones.? They discussed the attention Lady Gaga brought to the Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell repeal effort. Gaga tweeted and posted Facebook statuses asking people to call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and urge him to bring Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell to a vote. She also asked fans to phone Reid when she brought four gay veterans to the fall 2010 VMAs as guests. The Senate switchboard crashed from the amount of calls it received.

Reid responded to Gaga on Twitter, telling her that a vote was scheduled. Little Monsters then broadcasted their support for Reid through Twitter and Facebook. And, of course, Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell was repealed.

Gaga also generated worldwide support for her anti-bullying initiative and Born This Way Foundation through Twitter and Facebook. She in part helped put the very real and very problematic issue of bullying on the world stage. In fact, Littlemonsters.com features a ?Monster Code,? which encourages kindness, tolerance, and acceptance.

The fact that Gaga can marshal support for real, important, contemporary issues through social media reveals two things: one, her social media influence and two, the dedication of her fans. A quick perusal of Littlemonsters.com makes it seem that her supporters are enamored, borderline fanatical fans who discuss topics like this:

(?Fame? is Gaga?s new perfume, by the way). Discussion topics like this are fine, and anything that gets Little Monsters using the site is putting it on the path to success, but this topic is pretty trivial. However, when push comes to shove, Little Monsters can be extremely influential on topics that really matter and that affect a lot of people: Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell, anti-bullying. This is a testament to the wide scope of Gaga?s influence; she can inspire fans to buy her latest singles and she can inspire people to call Senator Reid and demand he bring anti-gay policies to a vote. Sway in pop music and politics: both within Lady Gaga?s reach, and both signs that if any celebrity can make a social network succeed, it?s Gaga. In fact, according to the Laughlin Constable infographic, Lady Gaga?s authority score (how influential she is) is 100 out of 100.

One Potential Problem
The only evidence I found to suggest that Littlemonsters.com might not take off was a study from Pew Research Center that found that people use social media to connect with friends and family rather than to stay in touch with their favorite celebrities. The study found that staying in touch with current friends is a major reason for using social media for 67% of people; staying in touch with family members is a major reason for 64% of people. Contrastingly, reading comments by celebrities, athletes, or politicians is a major reason behind social media use for only 5% of people. 74% of people have no interest in the social media activity of celebrities.

Yet, I think this evidence contradicts what I and many other people have found when it comes to Gaga?s social media clout. And there is an explanation of this contained within the study: Twitter users are more interested in celebrity interaction than those on other social sites. This holds true when it comes to Lady Gaga. 93% of social mentions of Lady Gaga come from tweets. Maybe it?s these Gaga Twitter followers that are flocking to Littlemonsters.com. I think that given the past habits of Lady Gaga and her fans, the Gaga-centric social site will succeed?as long as Lady Gaga continues to remain a pop-culture fixture (and she shows no signs of slowing her current momentum).

Tiger Beat, Say Hello to Twitter
I think the social-media-savvy ways of Lady Gaga shed light on celebrity-fan interactions in general. A Forbes article entitled ?The Millennials Who Rule Twitter: How Bieber, Rihanna, and Gaga Turn Followers Into Fortunes? includes some quotes from Matt Britton, who runs Mr. Youth marketing agency. Britton has some interesting insights on the social media habits of celebrities; he states that social media gives celebs ?direct and complete control? over their audience, because they can converse with fans directly.
The days of writing stalker-esque love letters to the members of boy bands and reading Tiger Beat to get the low down on the Joe Bros. might be on the way out, because Twitter can put fans in contact with celebs instantaneously.

Why you clicked the post lbr:

Lady Gaga?s parents open up fabulous Italian restaurant. Not trendy but Lady Gaga goes there anyway? (warning: ellipses continue to be abused within

Joe Germanotta, I had to go where the money was?.

According to Joe Germanotta, Lady Gaga?s dad, he?s always wanted to own and run his own business. The good news for Joe and for all us fans of traditional Italian cuisine it has finally come. Simply called Joanne Trattoria, this gem has recently opened in NYC?s Upper West side on west 68th. According to first hand reports the clientele has been pouring ever since opening night, and not because everyone necessarily thinks they?re going to catch a glimpse of Lady Gaga.

Offers Joe: ?The first night we thought it would be busy, and it really was, I think a lot of people thought they would be coming that night, but I had to explain to them she wouldn?t be coming tonight.?

Well a diva does have to tour doesn?t she?

Continues Joe: ?I always had a dream to open my own restaurant and finally the timing was right and here we are.?

The restaurant takes great pride in traditional fare and even boasts a few select family recipes courtesy of Joe?s 82 year old mom. Can I tell you kids my mouth is just salivating looking at the food in the video been delivered out.

Reflects Chef Art Smith, the restaurant?s head chef: ?It s about family, familiarity, the good stuff, that place where people come and they all know each other. It?s not trendy, then again it?s not meant to be that.?

According to the grapevine Lady Gaga was there this past Sunday?.how about you?

A special thank you to Gennaro Pecchia of the menwhodinewho sent me this video below, it?s all beyond mouth watering. See you soon kids!

First night thought it would be busy, but she?s not coming. Live out a dream i had. Chef Art Smith. It s about family, familiarity, the good stuff, that place where people come and they all know each other.Not trendy not meant to be that.

According to the grapevine Lady Gaga was there this past Sunday?.how about you

First night thought it would be busy, but she?s not coming. Live out a dream i had. Chef Art Smith. It s about family, familiarity, the good stuff, that place where people come and they all know each other.Not trendy not meant to be that.

According to the grapevine Lady Gaga was there this past Sunday?.how about you

Lady Gaga shut out of 2012 VMA award nominations

The 2012 MTV VMA nominations hit on July 31 and both Rihanna and Drake were the big nominees while Lady Gaga was mysteriously absent.

Rihanna received five nominations. She received nominations for Video of the Year, Female Video and Pop Video for ?We Found Love? and Choreography and Visual Effects for ?Where Have You Been.?

Drake also picked up five nominations, his for Video of the Year, Male Video, Art Direction and Cinematography for ?Take Care? and Hip Hop Video for ?HYFR.?

The two compete with each in the main Video of the Year category, although Rihanna also performed on Drake?s track with him. Drake also competes with Rihanna?s ex-boyfriend Chris Brown in the Male Video category.

Katy Perry picked up four nominations, including Video of the Year, Art Direction and Visual Effects for ?Wide Awake? and Female Video for ?Part of Me.? Coldplay, M.I.A., Jay-Z and Kanye's "Watch the Throne" and Frank Ocean scored three each.

The big snub was Lady Gaga, last year?s big star. While eligible for two categories, she was completely shut out from the awards.

ROLL CALL: Lady Gaga & Cher?s Duet Dropping In October

When Pop Stars Meet Pop Icons: Are you ready for a pop collaboration that is sure to rock the world (or at least your local gay nightclub) to its core!?!? Cher has Tweeted (in typical cryptic Cher speak) details about a duet with Lady Gaga, expected to drop in October. ?think ALL SONGS R Great so Far& I?m not Big Fan!GREAT Writers!GAGA IS MAJOR&Her VOCAL IS AMAZING!KUK Heard TGTLast nite 4 1st Time & FREAKED,? she wrote, followed by ?Finished Song!I LOVE IT! Cant tell names of songs cause Record CO. gave Strict ORDERS ! THINK 1st Single drops Oct. then cd near Xmas.? We know what Roll Call will be hoping to find in our stocking come Christmas!

Bonus picture tweeted by her makeup artist (from Boston):

Source 2 3 4 5 6

Also she tweeted that Japan was getting a pop-up store to chesell her fragrance, so gooooo Japan!
Also also she went to a wedding with Taylor but somehow managed to make it the whole day without anyone taking a picture of her. I, for one, am shocked.

Source: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/70786522.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

How to be a Responsible Credit Card User | personal finance ...

Is there a standard formula in using a credit card so you don?t go into debt? The answer is no. It?s dependent on your attitude and
spending habits. You may have more than one card but if you know how to use them wisely, you will still be able to manage your finances and avoid debt.

Whether you have the best credit cards or you avail of other forms of credit such as loans, what matters most is you know how to keep
track of your expenses and determine which areas need some cutback. It?s the attitude that counts and being a responsible credit card user is most ideal.

In the United Kingdom, six percent of households or an equivalent of 6 million people have used their credit cards to pay their mortgage or rent in 2009 according to statistics from the Shelter Media Centre. The British Bankers Association also revealed that credit card balances in November 2009 alone was at 63.5 billion sterling pounds.

If you don?t want to be among people having difficulty managing their cards, then it?s time to make a commitment. Ensure that you take
advantage of credit card offers suited to your lifestyle and not only those that you find attractive and popular. Take the time to compare credit cards to learn about their specific features and determine which will be useful for you.

These steps you need to take regardless if you?re still applying for a new card or if you already have an existing card but want to transfer to a new provider. When you compare credit cards, you give yourself an opportunity to review what several providers offer in terms of interest rate, finance charges, late fees and cash withdrawal fees. You can simply check certain websites that cater to this and right there, you will see a comparison table for your utmost convenience.

Owning a credit card carries important responsibilities and this includes knowing when to use it and when to pay for the bills you have accumulated. Using the card for major purchases is ideal although you can always use it to pay for your emergency needs.

In terms of paying your credit card bills, experts strongly recommend paying off the balance every month before the due date if possible.
When you are able to do this, you will avoid the charging of interest on your bill as well as other fees. In this way, you clear off your balance and you free yourself from worries moving forward.

About the Author

Peter Carville is a freelance article writer who writes for Financial Facts about the current financial news and the credit crunch.

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Source: http://www.mosley2010.com/archives/540

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Bourbon Glazed Pork Tenderloins - The Self Improvement Blog

?This sweet and savory bourbon-based glaze slathered over pork tenderloins will satisfy even the most insatiable appetite.

1/2 cup bourbon
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
2 (2-pound) pork tenderloins, trimmed of excess fat
1.? In bowl, combine all ingredients except tenderloin. Place meat in dish or large plastic bag, pour marinade over meat.
2.? Refrigerate overnight or as time permits, turning meat several times.
3.? Preheat oven 350?F. Roast in oven 40 minutes or until meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 160?F.

Makes 12?16 servings
Food Facts
Calories 142
Calories from fat (%) 24
Fat (g) 4
Saturated Fat (g) 1
Cholesterol (mg) 63
Sodium (mg) 355
Carbohydrate (g) 1
Dietary Fiber (g) 0
Sugars (g) 1
Protein (g) 23
Diabetic Exchanges: 3 very lean meat

Terrific Tip: Tenderloins come two to a package. If one will be enough for you to serve, halve recipe, freeze other tenderloin.

Source: http://theselfimprovementblog.com/self-improvement/healthy-cooking-recipes-by-holly-clegg/bourbon-glazed-pork-tenderloins/

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Romanians vote on whether to impeach president

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) ? Romania's unpopular president was fighting for his political life on Sunday as Romanians voted on whether to impeach him, part of a political battle that has raised questions about the rule of law in the fledgling European Union member.

Basescu's rivals in the government are seeking to impeach him for the second time in five years. They claim the 60-year-old populist violated the constitution by meddling in government business, coddling cronies and using the secret services against enemies.

Traian Basescu, a 60-year-old former ship captain whose popularity has plummeted over austerity measures, says the impeachment process is a political vendetta carried out by opponents and has urged his supporters to boycott the vote ? a tactic that may help him survive thanks to a rule requiring turnout to be more than half of the total electorate.

The political turmoil has dented Romania's credibility, with the U.S. and EU expressing doubts about the left-leaning government's respect for the independence of the judiciary. Critics accuse Prime Minister Victor Ponta, himself the subject of a plagiarism scandal, of orchestrating the move as part of a power grab.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT) and will close at 11 p.m. (2000 GMT) with 18 million Romanians eligible to vote. Most are expected to vote to impeach Basescu, but it is uncertain whether the government can muster the necessary turnout.

Basescu, who has been president since 2004, saw his approval numbers drop after government introduced austerity measures in 2010 to meet demands by the International Monetary Fund in exchange for a multibillion euro (dollar) loan. The government cut public wages by one-fourth and raised sales tax to 24 percent, one of the highest in the EU.

Ponta says that Basescu's confrontational style of governing and interfering in the justice system and government business are evidence that he is unfit for the job. He says that charges that plagiarized his 2004 doctoral thesis, a charge he has partially acknowledged, are orchestrated by Basescu's camp.

The foreign ministry has opened polling stations in embassies in the United States, Italy, Spain, France and elsewhere where an estimated 2 million Romanians are eligible to vote.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romanians-vote-whether-impeach-president-063156741.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Syrian government forces pound rebels

ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) - The government of Bashar al-Assad declared victory on Sunday in a hard-fought battle for Syria's capital Damascus, and pounded rebels who control parts of its largest city Aleppo.

Assad's forces have struggled as never before to maintain their grip on the country over the past two weeks after a major rebel advance into the two largest cities and an explosion that killed four top security officials.

Government forces have succeeded in reimposing their grip on the capital after a punishing battle, but rebels are still in control of sections of Aleppo, clashing with reinforced army troops for several days.

"Today I tell you, Syria is stronger... In less than a week they were defeated (in Damascus) and the battle failed," Foreign Minister Walid Moualem said on a visit to Iran, Assad's main ally in a region where other neighbors have forsaken him.

"So they moved on to Aleppo and I assure you, their plots will fail."

Rebel fighters were clearly in control of parts of Aleppo, where Reuters journalists saw neighborhoods dotted with Free Syrian Army checkpoints flying black and white Islamist banners.

Helicopter gunships hovered over the city shortly after dawn and the thud of artillery boomed across neighborhoods.

Rebel fighters, patrolling opposition districts in flat-bed trucks flying green-white-and-black "independence" flags, said they were holding off Assad's forces in the south-western Aleppo district of Salaheddine, where clashes have gone on for days.

Opposition activists also reported fighting in other rebel-held districts of Aleppo, in what could herald the start of a decisive phase in the battle for Syria's commercial hub, after the army sent tank columns and troop reinforcements last week.

Cars entering one Aleppo district came under fire from snipers and a Reuters photographer saw three bodies lying in the street. Unable to move them to hospital for fear of shelling, residents had placed frozen water bottles on two of the corpses to slow their decomposition in the baking heat.

Other rebel-held areas visited by Reuters were empty of residents. Fighters were basing themselves in houses - some clearly abandoned in a hurry, with food still in the fridges.

A burnt out tank lay in the street, while nearby another one had been captured intact and covered in tarpaulin.

In a largely empty street, flanked by closed shops and run-down buildings, women clad in long black abaya cloaks walked with children next to walls daubed with rebel graffiti - "Freedom", "Free Syrian Army" and "Down with Bashar".

Rubbish lay uncollected. In one street families were packing vans full of mattresses in apparent preparation to flee.

Near the centre of town, most shops were shuttered, some with the word "Strike" painted over them. The only shop doing business was a bakery selling subsidized bread, where the queue stretched around the block. Burnt cars could be seen in many streets, some with the word "shabbiha" marked on them - a reference to pro-Assad militiamen.

U.N. Undersecretary-General for humanitarian affairs Valerie Amos said 200,000 people had fled the fighting in and around Aleppo in the last two days, and the violence across Syria made it hard for humanitarian agencies reach them.

"Many people have sought temporary shelter in schools and other public buildings in safer areas. They urgently need food, mattresses and blankets, hygiene supplies and drinking water."

Late on Sunday Syrian state television said soldiers were repelling "terrorists" in Salaheddine and had captured several of their leaders.

"Complete control of Salaheddine has been (won back) from those mercenary gunmen," an unidentified military officer told the television news, saying the gunmen included fighters from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey and Yemen. "In a few days safety and security will return to the city of Aleppo".

Reuters journalists in the city were not able to reach the district to verify whether rebels had been pushed out. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human rights said fighting continued in Salaheddine late on Sunday.


The leader of Syria's main political opposition group, the Syrian National Council, called for foreign allies to provide heavy weapons to fight Assad's "killing machine".

"The rebels are fighting with primitive weapons...We want weapons that we can stop tanks and planes with," SNC chief Abdelbasset Seida said in Abu Dhabi. He urged foreign allies to circumvent the divided U.N. Security Council and intervene.

"Our friends and allies will bear responsibility for what is happening in Aleppo if they do not move soon," he said, adding that talks would start on forming a transitional government.

Arab League head Nabil Elaraby said the battle in Aleppo amounted to "war crimes", and perpetrators would eventually be punished, Egypt's MENA state news agency reported.

The Arab League has suspended Syria and lined up with the West and Turkey against Assad. Assad's government blames Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar, for the revolt.

Reuters reported on Friday that Saudi Arabia and Qatar had set up a base in southeastern Turkey to aid the rebels.

A Saudi Foreign Ministry spokesman declined on Sunday to comment directly but said Riyadh gave financial and humanitarian aid to the Syrian people. He also hinted at more direct support, saying countries should enable Syrians "to protect themselves at the very least, if the international community is not able to do so".

Assad's ruling structure draws strongly on his Alawite minority sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, while his opposition is drawn largely from the Sunni Muslim majority, backed by Sunni leaders who rule nearly all other Arab states.

That has raised fears that the 16-month-old conflict could spread across the wider Middle East, where a sectarian divide between Sunnis and Shi'ites has been at the root of violence in Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain and elsewhere.

Shi'ite Iran demonstrated its firm support for Assad by hosting his foreign minister. At a joint news conference with Moualem, Iran's own Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi rebuked the West and Arab states for holding the "illusion" that Assad could be easily replaced in a managed transition.


In Damascus, where Assad's forces have pushed back a rebel offensive since a deadly July 18 bomb attack on his inner circle, many residents have fled fighting in the outskirts for relative safety in the heart of the capital.

In the centre, shops open only between 9 am and 3 pm, food prices have soared and no one dares walk outside after dusk, even in the holy month of Ramadan when streets are normally packed late into the night with people breaking the fast.

"To begin with I was with the regime, for sure," said Ahmed, from one of the southern suburbs where the army, backed by helicopters and tanks, launched its counter-offensive.

"But now, no, the regime must go. Take what they want with them, but they must go."

The battle for Aleppo, a city of 2.5 million people, is a decisive test of the government's ability to retake its two main cities. It has committed huge military resources to the battle there after losing control of outlying rural areas and some border crossings with Turkey and Iraq.

The British-based Observatory said 26 people were killed in Aleppo on Saturday and 190 across Syria. It reported fighting in Deraa, Homs and Hama. There was no way to verify its figures.

The Aleppo fighting follows the July 18 bomb attack, which killed four top security officials including Assad's defense minister, intelligence chief and powerful brother-in-law.

Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar, who was wounded in the attack, told state media the assassination had only hardened the authorities' determination to crush the revolt.

"Before this cowardly explosion, we were all working flat out. But now we will exert 10 times the effort to pursue those who threaten the security of our country," Shaar said.

(Additional reporting by Yara Bayoumy in Beirut, Yeganeh Torbati in Dubai, and a reporter in Damascus who cannot be identified for security reasons; Writing by Dominic Evans; Editing by Peter Graff)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/helicopters-artillery-fire-over-syrias-aleppo-082850722.html

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Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

While it is possible to improve a home's energy efficiency in any climate, the predominant weather in an area has an impact on which efficiency measures will be the most valuable. For example, in especially cold areas such as Juneau or especially hot areas such as Phoenix replacement windows can cause a marked change in the cost of heating or cooling a house, whereas the impact of new windows in a more moderate climate will be less.

Any time you set out to improve your home's energy efficiency there are three dynamics to keep in mind. First, generating energy at your home from a clean source is far more efficient. Second, lighting your home more efficiently cuts down on energy consumption. Third, heating and cooling your home more efficiently is often the single most important area of overall efficiency.

The climate that you live in will, to a great degree, dictate your ability to generate power on your property. Those who live in a rainy climate, for example, won't benefit from solar panels the way that those who live in a sunny climate will. And it's pointless to install a windmill where there isn't any wind. But if you can generate power it's a good idea to do so: energy burns off in wires, so the shorter the distance is between production and plug the better.

One exception is a geothermal well, which generates power based on the exchange of heat between one end of a rod that is sunk deep into the ground and the other end of the rod, which is exposed. The temperature below the ground is fifty-six degrees Fahrenheit all the time, so any time the temperature above the ground is different (higher or lower) a geothermal well can generate electricity.

But producing power is only one way to increase efficiency. Reducing your home's consumption of power is just as important, and one of the most significant consumers of power is lighting. This can be changed by switching high efficiency light bulbs for the standard ones or by correcting bad habits. Simply turning the lights off when you leave a room can save a lot of electricity and substantially improve efficiency.

Beyond these simple fixes, it is possible to improve the way you light your home by making better use of natural light. In older homes that tend to have smaller windows, you can make a significant change by increasing the size and quantity of those windows. Even without structural changes, using mirrors to reflect (and reuse) natural light can greatly reduce your reliance on artificial lights powered by electricity.

Most people spend the most money on heating and cooling their homes, which means that heating and cooling use the most power. This can be mitigated by installing newer, more efficient equipment, as well as by improving the insulation of your home to bring it up to today's construction standards. The better insulated a home is, the less affected it is by the temperature outside.

In addition to re-insulating the home, replacing windows can demonstrably improve efficiency. The value of new windows has been well enough established that in hot places like Los Angeles and Phoenix replacement windows qualify for rebates from most utilities. Replacing the windows creates a good (and often subsidized) opportunity to expand the size of windows wherever possible, increasing the amount of natural light available inside the home.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Building a Culture That Motivates and Inspires Creative Teams ...

In his book Drive, Daniel Pink discusses a number of recent studies that show how people in today?s creative knowledge economy are not necessarily motivated and engaged by traditional methods.? In fact, offering rewards for performance (the carrot and the stick), using title and rank to direct people (micro-managing), and lavishing half-hearted recognition can actually be fairly de-motivating.

Instead, people are motivated by their desire to be creative in their work and make a difference. We want to be empowered to find solutions to make their work better. We want to work on something that helps improve the world. We want to solve complex problems that challenge their skills and intellect. It?s the creative nature of our work that can keep individuals excited and energized every day.

However, creativity is not just an individual endeavor. In many situations, the most creative work happens when individuals come together as a team and feed off of each other through collaboration, brainstorming, arguing, and exchange of ideas.

As leaders and managers of creative organizations then, it is our responsibility to create a culture that enables individuals to explore innovative ideas in their work and build an environment where teams can flourish. We need to help employees find meaning and interest in their work and design an environment that encourages sharing and inspiration for ideas.

OK, sounds good, but how? A creative work environment is more than just a ping-pong table in the lounge. Physical environment is important, but there are a multitude of other ways a culture of creativity and entrepreneurship can be infused into various parts of your business.

In a Webinar next week, we?ll discuss the growth of our creative culture at Mad*Pow, detailing some lessons we?ve learned along the way. We?ll outline our approach in general, and then detail some of the specific activities we?ve tried ? from the design of our space, to team building activities, to management guidelines, and goal setting. We?ll also dive deep into our recently completed company Design Slam event ? a team building design activity that gave Mad*Powians the opportunity to collaborate with folks they don?t normally work with, and spend their energy on interesting design problems with few constraints. Exactly the type of team building and creative exercise we intended.

Source: http://www.business2community.com/leadership/building-a-culture-that-motivates-and-inspires-creative-teams-0233478

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Samir Nasri banned for 3 matches by French FA

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:20 p.m. ET July 27, 2012

PARIS (AP) -The French Football Federation banned midfielder Samir Nasri on Friday for three matches because of his undisciplined behavior at the European Championship.

Nasri issued an expletive-laced rant at a journalist following France's 2-0 defeat to Spain in the quarterfinals. He previously made a sarcastic gesture with his finger over his mouth and yelled "Shut your mouth!" at another journalist after scoring in the opening Group D match against England.

The ban rules Nasri out of a friendly against Uruguay next month, and 2014 World Cup qualifiers against Finland and Belarus.

Three other players appeared before the FFF's disciplinary hearing on Friday because of their misbehavior at Euro 2012.

Winger Jeremy Menez was given a one-match ban, while winger Hatem Ben Arfa and central midfielder Yann M'Vila escaped with reprimands.

Menez swore at captain Hugo Lloris during the same match and M'Vila left the pitch without shaking the hand of France coach Laurent Blanc or that of Olivier Giroud, his replacement.

Ben Arfa was involved in a heated changing-room bust-up with Blanc following the 2-0 defeat to Sweden in the final group match, reportedly angering the coach by speaking on his mobile phone while Blanc was addressing the players following the defeat. Blanc turned down a new contract offer after Euro 2012 and Didier Deschamps is now in charge.

Jean Mazella, who heads the disciplinary committee, told RMC radio that the players "did not apologize" but that they "regretted what they said and how they behaved."

Menez was represented at the hearing by his lawyer.

"He regrets what happened. It was an error of youth," lawyer Carlo Alberto Brusa said.

The incidents undermined Blanc's attempts to rebuild the national team's image following the 2010 World Cup under former coach Raymond Domenech. Striker Nicolas Anelka received an 18-match ban after insulting coach Raymond Domenech in the dressing room during the tournament in South Africa.

Several players - including captain Patrice Evra - received shorter bans for their part in a training-ground strike in protest over Anelka being sent home.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Terry not off hook in racism case

??PST: The British courts have had their say on the alleged John Terry ugliness, but now England?s FA will have something more to say about it.

Getty Images
PST: All-Star week epitomizes Beckham arrangement

With David Beckham rising to the occasion (remarkably so, given his lack of training), the MLS All-Star Game became a metaphor for league?s entire Beckham experience. For all the worries about his commitment to his North American mission, Beckham was there when it counted.

Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/48351905/ns/sports-soccer/

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Merkel, Hollande vow to do everything to defend euro

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande pledged on Friday to do all in their power to protect the euro after discussing the latest events in the debt crisis by telephone.

"Germany and France are deeply committed to the integrity of the euro zone. They are determined to do everything to protect the euro zone," they said in a joint statement which echoed comments one day earlier by the European Central Bank chief.

Germany's center-right leader and the Socialist president of France said all euro zone member states and European institutions must meet their commitments "within the realm of their own competencies".

(Reporting by Stephen Brown and Gareth Jones)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hollande-merkel-discuss-crisis-phone-source-104157903--business.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

5 Practical Advice on Keeping the Value of Your Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood floorings evoke elegance and flair to any kind of home. They're additionally long lasting, which makes them an effective financial investment for any property owner. Hardwood floors coverings are also considered as the strongest flooring material among others, so it's definitely an excellent investment for homeowners. Moreover, they also make the home a protected area for families to inhabit as they don't carry any sort of toxins or irritants identified in the majority of synthetic floorings. If you prefer yours to last for many years, you have to suitably sustain them. Here's exactly how you can make that materialize:

Sweep and Wipe Frequently

Over time, hardwood floor coverings accumulates muck, sand, and grit which could potentially ruin the surface of your floor covering as they act as a sand paper, scratching away the preventive layers and covering of your floor. In this situation, it's good to sweep regularly using a microfiber dusting pad to remove undesirable filth. Setting a cloth by the front doorway for people to clean their feet or footwear before entering the house is also a good strategy to keep hardwood away from these possibly damaging flecks.

Wipe Spills Immediately

Practically, every floor covering product-- if you accidentally spilled something on it and refuse to wipe it right away-- can have its finish damaged completely. Hardwood floors coverings are no exception to this, that's the reason it's often great to clean water or other spills right away to protect against permanent staining as well as damage.

Prevent Utilizing Hard Cleaning Solutions

Keep clear of oil soaps and other powerful washing solutions as they can cause your hardwood flooring to permanently discolor. Using these compounds could also make complications when it's time for you to place maintenance wax or protective layer on the floor. Go with cleaners with neutral pH, those that are especially made for hardwood floorings, to maintain their luster and classy style.

Avoid Dragging Furnishings

If you're replacing your furnishings in your living area, try lifting items instead of dragging them as doing this can scuff and nick the surface of your hardwood Tampa homeowners also have. You wouldn't desire to completely damage your floor covering investment, would you? Ensure that you place felt under home furniture legs and drag them throughout your chosen location or better yet, lift furnishings if you can.

Safeguard Hardwood from the Sunshine

Intense exposure of Tampa hardwood flooring to UV rays can easily cause it to decline and tarnish overtime. To avoid this, make sure to put up drapes, blinds, or sheer drapes on your windows or other entry ways to guard it from the harsh sun and maintain its value. Visit wfca.org/Pages/How-To-Clean-Hardwood-Floors.aspx for more information.

For more details, search hardwood flooring, hardwood tampa and tampa hardwood flooring in Google for related information.

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Ed Stetzer - Jonathan Merritt Shares His Story

Jonathan Merritt is a nationally known writer, blogger and news personality. He has written two books, Green Like God and A Faith of Our Own and has written for USAToday, the Huffington Post, and many others. He's done lots of news appearances-- the last I saw him on television was on "The O-Reilly Factor" a few weeks ago.

Recently, after Jonathan, in a piece written for The Atlantic, defended Chick-fil-A against a potential boycott by gay activists, a "gay, former-evangelical" blogger claimed he had evidence Jonathan himself was gay. In the parlance the effort was to "out him." Merritt's defense of Chick-fil-A had already exploded in the LGBT blogosphere, but this enflamed the issue as many sought to discredit Jonathan after he dared to defend Chick-fil-A.

Jonathan's views have been clear--he considers homosexual practice as sin and is not in favor of redefining marriage (about half of America agrees, btw). Such views make you a target today, regardless of your personal situation.

"Outing," in case you do not know, is the practice of revealing that a certain person is gay without his or her consent, is not an unheard of occurrence though it is not always looked on favorably within the LGBT community. My heart grieves to see such low integrity, particularly when done by a person who claims the title "Christian"--and I am deeply disappointed with a few "Christians" in the blogosphere, who, since they disagreed with Jonathan in the past, seized the moment. Sad.

Yes, Jonathan Merritt is a public figure who lives in the intersection of church and culture, and is accustomed to cars coming from both directions--which appears to be the case now. In the past I have used my blog as a way for leaders to address blogosphere issues (see this interview with Rick Warren, for example) I want to do the same today.

So, I asked Jonathan if he would take a few questions and respond to this situation for himself. He has agreed, and I welcome him to the blog today.

Q: A blogger alleges that you have not been transparent, honest or authentic about who you are because of your religious affiliation. Tell us about the situation.

A: My story begins at a very young age when an older male who lived in our neighborhood sexually abused me. The experience was followed with a tidal wave of shame and guilt so great that I never told anyone for many years. In the years following this event, I mostly stuffed the experience away and didn't deal with it. On rare occasion, oppressive thoughts would enter my mind and bring on periods of depression and questioning. I wondered why this had happened to me and what, if anything, it meant.

I decided to follow Jesus at 13 and quickly realized that this event and the confusion that followed was not my fault. God had allowed an experience of brokenness into my life even if I didn't fully understand it. Rather than run from God, I decided to walk with him in this. And, I believe that helped shape my worldview that sin can be overcome. It's through that lens that I write. And, it's through that brokenness that I try to live.

In 2009, I was contacted by the blogger in response to an article I wrote about just that--that Christians must love people who experience sexual brokenness. We corresponded several times by email and text for a couple of weeks, some of them inappropriate. When I was traveling through a city near him, we met for dinner because we'd corresponded so recently. As we were saying goodbye, we had physical contact that went beyond the bounds of friendship. I was overcome with guilt, knowing I had put myself in an unwise situation. We never saw each other again and we ceased contact after a period of time.

Q: What happened after this?

A: When I returned home, I saw a Christian counselor to address the events in my life and sort through my childhood and what I believed God wanted for me. I also began to acknowledge to myself that I have sin in my past, sin for which I accept responsibility. Inappropriate texting, inappropriate actions are inappropriate no matter who the other party is. These were my decisions and no one else's.

It's from my brokenness, that I feel I can now be transparent, honest, and authentic about these accusations. Those close to me know I have actually been planning to share the story of my brokenness for some time. Because it is part of my spiritual journey. And because it underscores the power of the Gospel to transform lives.

Although I was unable to choose when I would share some of these painful memories, I am thankful for the opportunity to share it now. I'm thankful that I am able to make better decisions about how to handle a difficult situation. And, I'm thankful that because of grace, I can identify with those who have dealt with similar situations.

Q: How has this experience shaped you?

A: It's bred compassion in me towards others who wrestle with the baggage they carry in life. People like me who passionately pursue God--on His terms and not ours--experience incredible times of struggle along the way. I know what it is like to experience periods of depression, frustration, and confusion. And that's why I live out my calling the way I do, as best as I can, sometimes stumbling along the way.

I don't identify as "gay" because I believe there can be a difference between what one experiences and the life that God offers. I'm a cracked vessel held together only by God's power. And I'm more sure each day that only Christ can make broken people whole.

Q: How has your church leadership responded, and what is their response now?

A: I'm an active member at Cross Pointe, though I'm not on staff there. I met with our church leaders who have been incredibly supportive. They know I'm committed to living the life God demands for those who follow him. And they know that as I follow Jesus, I'm committed to pursuing his best for me, which includes the Bible's unambiguous standards for sexuality.

Q: What kind of response have you received since this blog posted?

A: Mostly emails and texts and calls from Christian friends who are reaffirming their love for me. I've been overwhelmed by this, and reminded again how important Christian community and accountability can be. That's also why I felt that it was important to tell my story. I'm committed to this journey in Christ, and I'm committed to remaining within the Christian community while maintaining valuable friendships with those who are not Christians. Sometimes this means being vulnerable and transparent when it's tough. But that's also when we can lean in and know that the truth is never something to be ashamed of and that in our brokenness we can find strength.

I am thankful that my struggles are not public discussion, but I appreciate Jonathan sharing what he has--and am praying for him in the days ahead.

Feel free to comment below, but the comment rules will be in place as always. Be sure to read them if you have not. If your comments are not posted, I don't argue nor justify my moderation policy.

Please commit to pray for Jonathan as he allows God to heal his brokenness while using him in the midst of it.

That's probably a good prayer for each of us.

Source: http://www.edstetzer.com/2012/07/jonathan-merritt-shares-his-st.html

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Prospects of Franchise Business in India

Basically, Franchise is a French term that was derived from franc, which means free. This is an agreement between the franchisor and franchisee, in which the individual buying into a franchise will market a product or service created and provided by the franchisor. The one who originally owns the business is called the franchisor and the one who pays for using the business model is called the franchisee. It is a form of business ownership where you are halfway functioning as your own boss, as a business owner, but also working within an established organization and system. Franchising offers business owners the ability to work for themselves, but with the security of an existing framework and support to help them achieve success. However, franchising is not a magic formula, and franchisees will still have to have strong entrepreneurial skills and the dedication to ensure the business functions to the best of its ability.

You will find that there are two main types to choose fromwhen looking to buy a franchise. One is business franchises and the other type is product/trade name distribution franchises. The franchisee receives the whole setup to start their own business, including trademarks, logos, marketing, a clearly defined business plan, as well as ongoing support from their chosen franchisor, in exchange for an upfront franchising fee and ongoing royalties, for business format franchises.

Franchise in India is the niche sector to attain growth at a faster pace. Thinking to start a franchise is quite easy then to actually start. Many companies, whether big or small are expanding in India through franchising. Their models are quite simple and mouth watering that show profitability in the papers.

Out of all the major business entities around the globe,India is definitely very high on the priority list and this is actually no surprise considering how the market has expanded in the last decade. This coupled with the growing population that states that India today has a middle class that is larger in population than the entire population of the United States of America. And as everyone knows, the middle class with a spending power is what drives the business all over. Franchising in India has to be at an all time high and so it is with scope for much-much more, considering the present situation and the future indications. However, it is always beneficial to go through an analysis about the product and prospects, if one wants to get the franchises of any kind.

One gets a large number of options today in terms of the nature of business, the company regulations, the business models etcto get a franchise in India. For that reason it is of utmost importance for a prospective franchisee to be sure about what he or she is venturing into. What form of business product or service would be successful at that place? Many of the franchise in India provides as options take this factor into consideration before agreeing to go into a partnership of any kind. However, it is also advisable for the party themselves to do this analysis on their own. For instance,in a tier two or tier three city,a chain of high end fashion store would hardly be a promising venture whereas an educational setup has all the reasons to succeed.

It is estimated that there are 2000 + Franchise Opportunities in India. These are organized and provide a steady and stable business for entrepreneurs. You could reach a reputed franchise consultant and understand which ones could be suitable for you, while you are all set to be the earliest capitalizers of the franchise boom in India.

Source: http://franchisebazar.postbit.com/prospects-of-franchise-business-in-india.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Source: http://www.homeschoolingquestions.net/very-best-pet-dogs-come-in-a-lot-of-dimensions-forms-and-personalities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=very-best-pet-dogs-come-in-a-lot-of-dimensions-forms-and-personalities

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Neighbors opposed to proposed day care in historic home ...

BELFAST, Maine ? Some Primrose Hill residents are fighting back against a Frankfort woman?s proposal to create a preschool and day care center in one of the historic homes in their Belfast neighborhood.

Iris Hooper has a contract to purchase the white-columned home on High Street known as the Admiral Pratt House, which was built in 1812. If her plans and requests for licenses are approved by entities that include the Belfast Planning Board, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and the city fire marshal, the Children?s Voice Preschool could be up and running as soon as late fall.

She is seeking licensure for 40 children, and said that the school will include a focus on gardening, art and the history of the home and the area.

?It will be a very unique preschool,? Hooper said last week. ?My preschool will aim to build community for the Belfast area and build citizenship.?

But those intentions ring hollow for Terrance Smith and Beth Anne Gordley-Smith, who live next door to the property. They said that the Pratt House is a historic property, but is nonetheless ?defenseless? against a use which they argue is inappropriate at best and destructive at worst.

?The property is historically significant,? Terrance Smith said. ?And it?s going to really be, in my opinion, in jeopardy of destruction. That?s something I don?t want to see.?

He spoke against the project at a recent Belfast Planning Board public hearing. He and his wife have two teenage children, and said that they understand from personal experience that the big downtown houses are expensive to heat and maintain. Nonetheless, they believe there will be a groundswell of support from people who love old historic homes and wish to see them preserved.

?We have a jewel in this community,? Smith said of the Pratt House.

The preschool is in the initial stages of permitting, according to Belfast Assistant City Planner James Francomano. He said that Hooper needs to address questions about motor vehicle and pedestrian circulation on the site, which might be resolved by making the driveway exit on Waldo Avenue, behind the home. Other issues which need resolution include stormwater, sediment and drainage control.

?We obviously respect that somebody is trying to open a business,? he said. ?We will not be the reason that things slow down.?

Francomano said that the city anticipates seeing a more formal design proposal from Hooper at the Aug. 8 Belfast Planning Board meeting. There will be another public hearing at that meeting.

The house sits on an acre and a half of property, and was most recently valued by the city at over half a million dollars. It was built by Ralph Cross Johnson, a young Belfast merchant who became the first elected mayor of Belfast in 1853. A Johnson descendant married Adm. William V. Pratt, who served as Chief of Naval Operations beginning in 1930. The Federal-style home remained in the same family until the 1980s, according to Megan Pinette of the Belfast Historical Society.

It even survived a roof fire caused by a direct lightning strike in the 1980s, she said Thursday morning.

?It is a beautiful house,? Pinette said. ?It is one of the finest houses in Belfast.?

The home is part of the Belfast Historic District, which is recognized ? but not protected by ? the National Register of Historic Places. There are nearly 300 houses and other structures within that district, according to Pinette.

Smith said that he has met this week with Francomano and attorneys, to look into what kind of options neighbors might have.

He said that adding a driveway between Waldo Avenue and High Street could potentially cause flooding for neighboring properties. He also is worried that Hooper intends to rip out some of the existing gardens and landscaping to put down blacktop and a playground, meaning that some of the structural and historic integrity could be lost.

?Having 40 children aged two to four in a historic property that?s 200 years old ? it would be a disaster, in my opinion,? Smith said. ?And the attorneys today said that they could paint it pink, purple and green and nothing could be done to protect the home.?

The neighbors are all opposed to the preschool project, he said.

?I just don?t want this to be confrontational,? Smith said. ?[But] we speak for the dead ? the people who built these homes.?

But Hooper said concerned neighbors might not have a full understanding of the proposed preschool. She said that she has a lot of experience, having worked with Head Start for nearly 30 years, and also has a degree in early childhood education. She wanted to open her school right in Belfast, and was interested in the Pratt House in part because it has so much land.

?For me, it?s an exciting opportunity,? she said. ?I don?t think always that young children are given enough credit for what we can do for them. I think the neighbors are concerned that it?s too beautiful for kids, and that really has offended me.?

She said that she understands that change is hard, and wants neighbors to know she respects their thoughts.

?I will address concerns,? she said. ?I want to make this a very pleasant part of the neighborhood.?

Source: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/07/26/news/midcoast/neighbors-opposed-to-proposed-day-care-in-historic-home/

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Should Journalists Embrace Jargon?

ananyo writes "In an opinion piece for Nature, science writer Trevor Quirk argues that researchers use jargon to 'capture the complexity and specificity of scientific concepts.' Avoiding jargon might mean that a piece ends up easier to read, but explaining a jargon term using everyday language 'does not present the whole truth,' he says. 'I find it troubling that the same antipathy that some writers express towards jargon has taken root in the public's general attitude towards erudite language. I submit that this is no coincidence. People seem to resent not just specialized language, but any language that requires a large degree of labour to understand, appreciate and use,' he writes. 'The world increases in complexity every day, and we should not let shrink our capacity to describe it.'"

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/pD_3g4vrc2k/should-journalists-embrace-jargon

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?Strong business acumen including ROI analysis in order to proactively assess organizational issues and trends that translates to potential impact on business

?Skilled in project management including overseeing large scale project with national breadth

?Ability to develop new programs and incorporate existing programs to deliver strategic initiatives to meet the needs of Safelite? Group and its culture

?Strong communication skills, including demonstrated facilitation skills.

?Consultative and collaboration skills with the ability to recommend and persuade audiences

Who we?re looking for: ?Brand advocates who go above and beyond to create customer delight

?Honest, hard-working people who lack ego but are drenched in integrity

?People who consistently drive for extraordinary results

?Individuals who like to learn, seek challenges and go out of their way to help others be successful

?Team members who will learn our way of working and come up with innovative ways to make us even better

?Those who want a career, not just a job, and who understand the important role they play in the overall success of our business.

What you can expect: At Safelite?, we are creating a culture that delivers our People Pledge:

?You'll experience great leadership.

?We?ll focus on you first.

?You?ll work with talented people who inspire you to be at your best.

?You?ll become part of a caring culture with opportunities for you to growth both personally and professionally.

ASTD Membership preferred

Source: http://jobs.astd.org/jobs/4856352/learning-development-director

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Back to school, back to fitness | Health / Wellness Articles | Your - YFT

(ARA) - No matter how long it's been since you set foot in a classroom, September can still bring a sense of starting over, which makes it the perfect time of year to take stock of where you are and where you want to be with your general health and level of fitness. You can go "back to school" by enrolling in an exercise class or get a new "teacher" by hiring a personal trainer.

"There is a sense of new beginnings on all fronts when school starts," says Jenna Murphy, a 42-year-old mom from Maple Grove, Minn. "This fall I want to improve my flexibility through yoga. I also plan on trying ballet bar fitness as well as kettle bells."

While January is the traditional time when many people consider starting healthy habits, they don't always see those changes through to the end of the year. "The new year creates more emotion and motivation to start change," explains Jason Stella, a master personal trainer at Life Time Fitness, The Healthy Way of Life Company. "The problem with this motivation is that once the media hype and emotional high is gone, so is the belief in achieving the goal."

Even if you have a good start in January and keep your resolve through the summer, come fall - with its endless procession of holidays - even the most dedicated can stop making fitness a priority.


of thinking, "I'll start over in January," use these three Rs to make September a time to renew your fitness goals.

Reassess: Consider what you have accomplished so far and what new action you need to take to stay on course with your goals. In addition, evaluate your schedule. How can you fit fitness in with activities and obligations that start in the fall while staying motivated with fewer daylight hours? Fitness centers often create new schedules this time of year. Learn something new by way of a new exercise class or sport, or find a nutrition or health education seminar to attend.

Reconnect: Find ways to re-establish that emotional high toward your goals and keep the momentum going. One way to do this is to sign up for an event that will complement your health and fitness goals, or help you achieve them. "An event can be a 10K, a triathlon, half-marathon or more extreme events like the Warrior Dash, Spartan Race or Alpha Showdown," Stella says. "This keeps motivation high throughout the year and helps people stay on track with the kind of lifestyle behaviors that lead to achieving their desired goals." Accomplishing these events also leads to more confidence, he adds, which perpetuates the goal-setting, goal-achieving cycle.

Reassert: Change your mindset from making a resolution to making a commitment. "A personal commitment is much more powerful than a resolution, which is often thrust upon us by outside expectations," Stella says. A resolution is deciding to do or not do something; a commitment is a promise or obligation. "Think about the personal responsibility between the two. When people 'promise' or make an 'obligation' it puts their credibility on the line, and maintaining one's credibility has a huge impact on motivation."

Murphy, who is a member of the Life Time Fitness in Maple Grove, Minn., says she is no longer in school, but having a personal trainer provides a great education. "Four years ago, having never done anything athletic my whole life, the best decision I have ever made was to work with a personal trainer from the start. She is always introducing me to new workouts and showing me I can do things I never thought I could. That's very empowering and affirming to me."

Source: http://yft.com/articles/health-wellness/back-to-school-back-to-fitness.html

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